Water Restoration in New Mexico
To support Intel’s commitment to achieve net positive water, we have funded several water restoration projects benefiting New Mexico to restore more than 100 million gallons of water each year. This page provides a summary of Intel-funded projects to support New Mexico’s water resources.
Rito Peña Negras Restoration
Location: Santa Fe National Forest, New Mexico
Implementation Partner: National Forest Foundation
Estimated Restoration Benefit1: 18 million gallons/year starting in 2023
Project Status: Initiated in 2021
Project Description: Rito Peña Negras is a tributary within the Upper Rio Grande watershed. Historic grazing practices, an extensive road system, and past timber harvest have destabilized stream banks, reduced riparian vegetation, increased water temperature, and increased risk for fish and other aquatic organisms. The objective of this project is to install beaver dam analogs (BDAs) to decrease stream velocity, reduce channelization and sedimentation, and improve cold water habitat by reconnecting the stream with its floodplain and increasing groundwater infiltration and recharge.
Rio Grande 2020 Flow Restoration
Location: Middle Rio Grande, New Mexico
Implementation Partner: Audubon New Mexico
Estimated Restoration Benefit: 26 million gallons during 2020
Project Status: Restored water in July 2020
Project Description: The Rio Grande, one of the longest rivers in the U.S., is an important source of water and habitat for birds. Withdrawals from the river contribute to low flows and intermittent drying in the Isleta Diversion Dam, south of the Isleta Pueblo, especially during times of severe drought with very little water to support wetlands and wildlife. Audubon works with partners for flexible water leasing agreements that release water from the San Juan Chama Project during these critical dry periods.
Water Resources Rio Grande Project
Location: Rio Grande Watershed in Colorado (Upper Rio Grande) and New Mexico (Mainstem Rio Grande and Comanche Creek)
Implementation Partner: Trout Unlimited, National Forest Foundation
Estimated Restoration Benefit: 118 million gallons/year (MGY)
Project Status: Initiated in 2018; began restoring water in 2019
Project Description: The Upper Rio Grande and its tributaries support farming, ranching, rural communities, and a renowned trout fishery. In the Valle Vidal Unit of the Carson National Forest, past grazing, mining, and logging have degraded Comanche Creek, adversely affecting the channel and disconnecting the creek from its historic floodplain. This project will increase winter flows to benefit fish, reconnect Comanche Creek to the historic floodplain and wetlands, restore natural water storage capacity, and provide recreation and other wildlife benefits.
Intel in New Mexico
We’re committed to creating a better tomorrow for our communities. Learn more about what Intel is doing in New Mexico.
Projects by Location
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2030 Goal: Net Positive Water
Over the last two decades, our sustainable water management efforts have enabled us to conserve billions of gallons of water and return approximately 80% of our water use back to our communities. Now, we are broadening our focus to achieve net positive water use by conserving 60 billion gallons of water and funding water projects that restore more fresh water than we consume to our local watersheds.