최신 드라이버 및 소프트웨어

다운로드 가능:


Intel® Server Chipset Driver for Windows* for Intel® Server Boards and Systems Based on Intel® 62X Chipset

Onboard Video Driver for Windows* for Intel® Server Boards and Systems Based on Intel® 62X Chipset

Onboard Video Driver for Linux* for Intel® Server Boards and Systems Based on Intel® 62X Chipset

Onboard Network Driver for Intel® Server Boards and Systems Based on Intel® 62X Chipset

Intel® Embedded Server RAID Technology 2 (ESRT2) Windows* Driver for Intel® Server Boards and Systems Based on Intel® 62X Chipset

인텔® 62X 칩셋 기반 인텔 서버 보드 및 시스템용® 인텔® Virtual RAID on CPU(인텔® VROC) 및 인텔® 빠른 스토리지 기술 Enterprise(인텔® RSTe) Windows* 드라이버

Intel® Embedded Server RAID Technology 2 (ESRT2) Linux* Driver for Intel® Server Boards and Systems Based on Intel® 62X Chipset

Intel® Configuration Detector for Linux*