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이 패키지는 SI, 리셀러 및 기타 파트너와 대화할 수 있도록 사용자 지정되었으며 기술 C-Suite 및 조달 대상에 맞게 조정된 콘텐츠입니다.
사용 지침
관련 자산
제목 및 설명
我们重要的合作伙伴如何利用采用英特尔® 技术的解决方案应对客户的业务挑战
我們重要的合作夥伴如何能利用 Intel® 技術的解決方案為客戶解決業務難題
Data Center Modernization Enablement Package
This Data Center Modernization package has been developed with public Intel content intended to be used by PSAMs and Intel partners to guide in depth conversations with SI, Reseller, and other Partner Representatives.
VMware Modernization Partner Enablement Package
Data Center Optimization with Enterprise AI: Optimize the data center to save money and discover Enterprise AI opportunities to boost profits with Intel® Xeon® processors and VMware vSphere Foundation.
Package d'habilitation de la modernisation des centres de données
Comment nos partenaires peuvent résoudre les difficultés opérationnelles des clients avec des solutions basées sur la technologie Intel®
Enablement-Paket zur Modernisierung von Rechenzentren
Wie unsere geschätzten Partner die geschäftlichen Herausforderungen von Kunden dank Intel-basierten Lösungen meistern können
Pacote de habilitação para modernização de data centers
Como nossos valiosos parceiros podem abordar desafios empresariais dos clientes usando soluções com tecnologia Intel®
Paquete de habilitación para modernización de centros de datos
Cómo nuestros valiosos socios pueden abordar los desafíos empresariales de los clientes con soluciones con tecnología Intel®.